Cumnock Weather Report
Below is our weather report and 5 day forecast for Cumnock.
Temperature | 16°C (feels like 16°C) |
Weather | Sunny |
Chances of Rain | 0% |
Wind Speed | 2 mph |
Wind Gust | 4 mph |
Wind Direction | |
Visibility | Very Good |
Humidity | 73% | Max UV Index | 1 (Low Exposure) |
Last Forecast Update: 18/09/2024 17:51:14
Cumnock 5 Day Weather Forecast
Time | Weather | Temp | Feels | Wind Speed | Wind Gust | Visibility | Humidity | Max UV | Rain % |
18:00 | Sunny | 16°C | 16°C | 2mph (SSE) | 4mph | Very Good | 73% | 1 | 0% |
21:00 | Clear sky | 13°C | 12°C | 7mph (E) | 13mph | Moderate | 82% | 0 | 0% |
19 September 2024
Time | Weather | Temp | Feels | Wind Speed | Wind Gust | Visibility | Humidity | Max UV | Rain % |
00:00 | Clear sky | 11°C | 10°C | 7mph (E) | 7mph | Moderate | 83% | 0 | 0% |
03:00 | Clear sky | 9°C | 8°C | 4mph (E) | 9mph | Good | 86% | 0 | 0% |
06:00 | Clear sky | 9°C | 8°C | 7mph (ENE) | 9mph | Moderate | 85% | 0 | 0% |
09:00 | Sunny | 14°C | 13°C | 4mph (ENE) | 7mph | Good | 74% | 2 | 0% |
12:00 | Sunny | 18°C | 18°C | 7mph (NE) | 9mph | Very Good | 61% | 3 | 0% |
15:00 | Sunny | 20°C | 19°C | 7mph (NE) | 9mph | Very Good | 61% | 2 | 0% |
18:00 | Sunny | 16°C | 15°C | 7mph (NE) | 13mph | Good | 82% | 1 | 0% |
21:00 | Clear sky | 12°C | 10°C | 7mph (ENE) | 13mph | Good | 91% | 0 | 0% |
20 September 2024
Time | Weather | Temp | Feels | Wind Speed | Wind Gust | Visibility | Humidity | Max UV | Rain % |
00:00 | Clear sky | 10°C | 8°C | 9mph (ENE) | 16mph | Good | 94% | 0 | 1% |
03:00 | Clear sky | 10°C | 8°C | 9mph (ENE) | 18mph | Moderate | 95% | 0 | 1% |
06:00 | Partly cloudy (night) | 9°C | 7°C | 7mph (ENE) | 18mph | Good | 95% | 0 | 1% |
09:00 | Cloudy (Medium-Level) | 12°C | 11°C | 9mph (ENE) | 16mph | Good | 85% | 1 | 8% |
12:00 | Cloudy (Medium-Level) | 16°C | 14°C | 9mph (E) | 18mph | Very Good | 74% | 3 | 4% |
15:00 | Sunny intervals | 17°C | 15°C | 9mph (E) | 18mph | Very Good | 71% | 2 | 1% |
18:00 | Sunny | 14°C | 13°C | 9mph (ENE) | 18mph | Very Good | 85% | 1 | 1% |
21:00 | Cloudy (Low-Level) | 12°C | 10°C | 9mph (ENE) | 16mph | Good | 94% | 0 | 7% |
21 September 2024
Time | Weather | Temp | Feels | Wind Speed | Wind Gust | Visibility | Humidity | Max UV | Rain % |
00:00 | Cloudy (Low-Level) | 12°C | 10°C | 9mph (ENE) | 16mph | Good | 95% | 0 | 8% |
03:00 | Cloudy (Low-Level) | 12°C | 10°C | 9mph (NE) | 16mph | Good | 95% | 0 | 10% |
06:00 | Cloudy (Low-Level) | 12°C | 10°C | 9mph (NE) | 16mph | Good | 95% | 0 | 11% |
09:00 | Cloudy (Low-Level) | 13°C | 11°C | 11mph (ENE) | 20mph | Good | 90% | 1 | 10% |
12:00 | Cloudy (Medium-Level) | 15°C | 13°C | 11mph (ENE) | 25mph | Very Good | 81% | 3 | 4% |
15:00 | Sunny intervals | 16°C | 14°C | 11mph (ENE) | 22mph | Very Good | 79% | 1 | 1% |
18:00 | Cloudy (Medium-Level) | 14°C | 12°C | 9mph (ENE) | 20mph | Very Good | 86% | 1 | 4% |
21:00 | Cloudy (Medium-Level) | 12°C | 10°C | 9mph (ENE) | 18mph | Good | 92% | 0 | 4% |
22 September 2024
Time | Weather | Temp | Feels | Wind Speed | Wind Gust | Visibility | Humidity | Max UV | Rain % |
00:00 | Cloudy (Low-Level) | 12°C | 10°C | 9mph (ENE) | 18mph | Good | 92% | 0 | 8% |
03:00 | Cloudy (Low-Level) | 11°C | 9°C | 9mph (NE) | 16mph | Good | 93% | 0 | 10% |
06:00 | Cloudy (Low-Level) | 11°C | 9°C | 9mph (NE) | 16mph | Good | 93% | 0 | 8% |
09:00 | Cloudy (Low-Level) | 12°C | 10°C | 11mph (ENE) | 20mph | Good | 88% | 1 | 8% |
12:00 | Cloudy (Medium-Level) | 14°C | 12°C | 9mph (ENE) | 20mph | Very Good | 79% | 3 | 5% |
15:00 | Sunny intervals | 15°C | 13°C | 9mph (ENE) | 18mph | Very Good | 76% | 1 | 1% |
18:00 | Sunny | 13°C | 12°C | 7mph (NE) | 13mph | Very Good | 84% | 1 | 1% |
21:00 | Clear sky | 11°C | 9°C | 7mph (NE) | 11mph | Good | 93% | 0 | 1% |
Nearby Towns
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Last Weather Update: 18/09/2024 17:51:14